Health and Safety Prosecutions

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0845 223 3066

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131-133 Old Street
Lancashire OL6 7SA
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SRA Number 228270

Health and Safety Prosecutions

The Health and Safety Inspector will only decide to prosecute if there is enough evidence and is prosecutions are in the public interest.

Prosecutions are more likely and will normally follow in cases where:

Someone has been killed due to a breach in the law.
The offence or injury is serious or the general approach of the offender warrants it.
There has been repeatedly poor compliance
Work has been carried out without a licence where one is needed or is in breach of the terms of that licence.
Work has been carried out without a safety case where one is needed or fails to follow the process set out in a safety case.
The standard of safety management falls far below that expected and causes significant risk.
There has been a failure to comply with an Improvement Notice or a prohibition notice.
There has been an intent to deceive in relation to a matter which gives right to significant risk.
Inspectors have been intentionally obstructed in the course of their duties
The maximum penalty possible under Health and Safety Legislation depends on the offence, however for example the maximum penalty for failure to comply with an Improvement or Prohibition Notice is a £20,000 fine and/or six months imprisonments for the owners and directors of an un-incorporated business or an unlimited fine and/or two years imprisonment for an incorporated business.

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Health and Safety Prosecutions