Corporate Manslaughter

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Our team is just a phone call away, 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

0845 223 3066

Registered Office

131-133 Old Street
Lancashire OL6 7SA
Telephone: 07807 803 140
Facsimile: 0161 339 4150
Click here to email us
SRA Number 228270

Corporate Manslaughter

There may be occasions when incidents are seriousness enough for consideration to be given to be given to grievous bodily harm or even manslaughter charges. If you are facing any such investigation we strongly recommend that you contact us without delay.

It is possible for companies to be prosecuted for Manslaughter but these prosecutions have been rare even though power has always existed.

In April 2008 the Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act 2007 came in to first. It is certain to bring an increase in such cases. Individuals may also be charged with Manslaughter where gross negligence is suspected.

In addition every case involving a fatality caused by an accident will result in an inquest.

At whatever stage can provide advice and representation to ensure the best possible outcome.

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Corporate Manslaughter